
Child of The Greatest Generation

Child of The Greatest Generation
Child of The Greatest Generation
Description The country had just gone to war with Japan and a new patriot is born in the small coastal town of New Bedford, Massachusetts. The date is January 20,1942. A child of the greatest generation who as a young boy came to understand what patriotism and love of country meant to him. Sit down and enjoy a story of his journry from boyhood to manhood and his American Dream. The book includes patriotic stories and poems mixed in with his memories about a country that once was and still can be. A recent book review stated. "How wonderful to discover a book that emphasizes Ameica's greatness rather than its faults" Stories such as "The Eagle" of his encounter with an American Bald Eagle in Arlington National Cemetary and a conversation they had on the nation. Just one of several that will offer a histoty lession even to the youngest of readers. A book worth reading and sharing with friends and family Other stories sure to please such as Woman Warrior, Just an Old Piece of Cloth, A Conversation, America Where Are You, The Storm and seven other patriotic stories and poems.
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Submission Date Dec 28, 2020